
New — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | Book

Description: A reference to California's natural history: Flaxington, W.C. 2021. Amphibians and reptiles of California: Field observations, distribution, and natural history. Fieldnotes Press, Anaheim, California. Available at Renowned for its biodiversity, California is home to vast numbers of amphibians and reptiles, from a variety of slender salamanders to the venomous Gila Monster and massive Leatherback Sea Turtle. Flaxington has studied these intriguing creatures since the 1980s and this book is a compilation of that laboratory and fieldwork.ISBN: 978-1-7362699-0-9 (paperback)300 pp.184 species accounts, including those introduced to the state.421 color illustrations125 graphical maps4,078 Science relevant field observations Information on how and where to see these fascinating creaturesBe ready for your next adventure with these informative checklists, also available at For further inquiries, feel welcome, even encouraged, to contact Fieldnotes Press. -, abbotti, abela, academy, actinemys, adams, affinis, african, agassizii, ahlborn, air, alameda, alaska, albright, alexanderae, alligator, altasierrae, alvarius, amabilis, ambystoma, american, amphibiaweb, anaxyrus, and, anderson, aneides, angeles, annectens, anniella, annularis, annulata, anole, anolis, antunes, apalone, apodaca, aquatic, arboreal, aridus, arizona, armstrong, arroyo, arteaga, ascaphus, asian, aspidoscelis, asupak, ater, atratus, atrox, attenuatus, aurora, babb, backed, backlin, baegert, bainbridge, baja, baker, bakersfield, baldridge, baldwin, balfour, banded, banta, bar, barrows, barry, bartlett, bartolo, basin, bass, batrachoseps, beaded, beaman, bean, becki, beedy, behler, beldingi, belding's, bellied, benes, benjamin, benson, berlandieri, bernardino, berry, bessesen, bettelheim, bezy, bicinctores, bicket, bingham, biological, biseriatus, black, blainey, blainville's, blainvillii, blakely, blaustein, bledsoe, blind, blotched, blunt, boa, bobzien, bocourtii, bogertophis, bond, boreas, borthwick, bottae, boylii, bradley, brahminy, bramei, braminus, branston, brastow, brattstrom, brennan, brock, brodie, brown, bruce, brunus, brush, buchanan, buck, bullfrog, burbrink, bureau, burgoon, bury, bustamante, cadaverina, cagnolatti, cahuilae, california, californiae, californicus, californiense, callisaurus, calphotos, camp, campbell, campi, cancellosus, candida, caninus, canorus, cantu, canyon, caretta, carlisle, carmony, carolinensis, carretta, carver, cascadae, cascades, cass, catenifer, catesbeiana, cave, cazares, center, central, cerastes, chameleon, channel, chaparral, charina, checkered, chelonia, chelydra, chlorophaea, chorus, christensen, chrysemys, chuckwalla, cinctum, claassen, clark, clarke, claunch, clause, clawed, clemente, clevinger, cliff, climbing, clouded, coachella, coachwhip, coast, coastal, cochran, coerulea, cognatus, coleonyx, collared, collins, colorado, coluber, columbia, common, compton, conant, condon, conservation, constrictor, contia, cook, coonan, cope, copeii, cope's, coqui, corallus, coriacea, corkran, cornett, coronado, cotten, couchii, couch's, county, cowling, crabtree, crandall, crear, croceater, croceum, cronic, crotalus, crotaphytus, crother, cruz, ctenosaura, cunningham, cutts, cyril, cyrtopodion, daniels, darda, davidson, davis, de, decurtatus, deichsel, del, delancey, dellith, delmanowski, denardo, denburgh, department, dermochelys, desert, deserticola, devitt, dhundale, diablo, diabolicus, diadophis, diamond, dicamptodon, didonato, diego, diller, dipsosaurus, diversity, dominguez, dorsalis, douglas, douglasii, dowd, draconoides, draheim, draytonii, drost, dugan, duke, duncan, dunni, dunn's, eared, eburnata, education, edwards, eguchi, elegans, eleutherodactylus, elgaria, elizabeth, elongatus, emerald, emerson, emme, emmerich, emoryi, ensatina, ensatus, erickson, ervin, eschscholtzii, esparza, espinoza, esque, euryxanthus, exotic, exsul, eyed, fairview, fasciata, feldman, feldmeth, feldner, fellers, fence, fenerty, fenly, ferrer, ferreus, field, fieldnotes, fish, fisher, fisheries, fitch, fitchi, five, flagellum, flat, flavipunctatus, flaxington, flight, flint, florida, fontaine, foothill, force, ford, forest, fork, forney, francisco, frederick, fringe, fritts, frog, frost, fry, fuliginosus, fuller, funk, gabilan, gabriel, gabrieli, galan, gallegos, galvan, gambelia, game, garcia, garden, gardner, garnotii, garter, garwood, gass, gavilanensis, gavit, gecko, gekko, geological, germano, gerson, giant, giasone, gigas, gila, gilberti, gilbert's, girondot, given, glaser, glossy, gold, goldfarb, gomez, gonzalez, goodman, goodward, gopher, gopherus, gracile, gracilis, graciosus, grande, grandmaison, granite, grant, granulosa, great, greater, green, greene, greenhorn, gregarious, gregarius, gregory, gren, grimes, grinnelli, grismer, ground, guayasamin, guerrero, guess, haas, habitat, haig, hakim, hall, hamamoto, hameister, hamerson, hamilton, hammondii, hansen, harvey, haworth, haxel, hayes, hazard, headed, hell, helleri, helmer, heloderma, hemidactylus, henry, henshawi, herpetological, herpetology, herping, herps, hess, hexalepis, hillard, hilsinger, hinds, hintsa, history, hitchcock, hobartsmithi, hodge, hodson, hoegen, holder, hollingsworth, hollow, holm, holmgren, holycross, horned, hoser, houck, house, howland, hoyer, hubbs, hudgens, huie, humilis, hunsaker, hunt, hutton, hydromantes, hydrophilus, hydrophis, hyla, hyperythra, hypochondriaca, hypsiglena, iecanus, iguana, inaturalist, incilius, incognitus, indo, indotyphlops, infernalis, inman, inornata, interior, intermontana, interparietalis, introduced, inyo, island, islands, italian, jacksonii, jackson's, jaeger, jamason, jennings, joaquin, jockusch, john, johnson, johnstone, jones, jr, julio, kahancza, kairy, kauffmann, kawia, keele, keeled, kelln, kennedy, kern, king, kings, kingsnake, kinosternon, kirk, klamath, klamathensis, klauber, klauberi, knapp, koludarov, koo, krause, kuchta, la, laduc, laevis, lahti, lambda, lampropeltis, land, lange, large, lateralis, laterorepens, lau, lawson, leache, leaf, leatherback, leavitt, lecontei, leenders, legged, legless, lemm, lemmon, leonard, leopard, lepidochelys, leroux, leroy, lesser, liang, lichanura, limestone, lind, lindstrand, lined, lisle, lizard, loggerhead, long, longicauda, longipes, los, lovich, lowland, lubcke, lucia, luciae, luckau, lugubris, luteiventris, luton, lutosus, lyell, lyre, lyrophanes, mabouia, macey, mack, macrochelys, macrodactylum, magister, mahoney, mahrdt, major, mallory, malmos, management, manier, manley, marcianus, marcy's, marine, marks, marlow, marmorata, martin, martinez, masticophis, matias, matsuda, maughn, mauritanica, mavortium, mcallii, mcallister, mccamish, mccoid, mcdade, mcdiarmid, mceachern, mcginnis, mcgowan, mcguire, mearnsi, medica, mediterranean, melgert, mendelson, micheletti, microscaphus, microscutatus, miller, mills, minor, mississippiensis, mitelberg, modestus, mojave, mojavensis, mole, monster, monterey, montgomery, moore, moorhatch, moorish, morafka, morey, morgan, moritz, mormon, morrison, mount, mountain, mountains, mud, mulcahy, mulks, mullen, mullins, mulroy, multicarinata, multifasciata, multiple, munda, murcia, murphy, murray, muscosa, museum, muth, mutti, myatt, mydas, myers, nafis, natural, nayduch, necked, nelson, nerodia, nevada, nevadensis, newt, nguyen, nicolas, niger, night, nigriventris, nocticolus, nordland, norman, norris, norte, north, northern, northwestern, nosed, notata, notes, nowak, nuchalata, nussbaum, nussear, o’connor, o'brien, occidentalis, occipitalis, ochrorhyncha, of, olea, olivacea, olive, oliver, orange, orcutti, ordinoides, oreganus, oregon, oregonensis, ornate, ornatus, orozco, overholtz, pacific, pacificus, packard, painted, palermo, pallida, palmer, palmeri, pamer, panamint, panamintina, papenfuss, parham, paris, parks, parra, passamaneck, patch, pauly, pearce, pearl, pelagic, pelham, peninsular, peralta, perez, person, persons, peterson, petrosaurus, pfrender, phrynosoma, phyllodactylus, phyllorhynchus, piceus, pickwell, picta, pictiventris, pincetich, pipiens, pittman, pituophis, placerensis, plains, planiceps, plateau, platensis, platurus, platycephalus, platyrhinos, platyurus, plestiodon, plethodon, podarcis, pond, poo, porras, portik, powell, pratt, preston, pretiosa, principis, prins, project, prosser, pseudacris, puerto, pulchellus, pulchra, pumilus, punctatus, pygmy, pyrrhus, quinquetaeniata, r c, r. c., r.c., racer, ralicki, rana, range, rat, rattle, rattlesnake, ray, recuero, red, reeder, regal, regalis, regilla, regius, reilly, relictual, relictus, rena, reno, research, resplendent, reticulata, reyes, rhinocheilus, rhodostictus, rhyacotriton, rican, richard, richmond, ridley, rieboldt, ring, rio, rissler, river, riversiana, rivularis, roame, robert, robles, robustus, rochester, rock, rodriguez, rombough, root, rorabaugh, rosaliae, rosy, rotenberry, rough, rovito, ruane, rubber, ruber, rubricaudatus, ruddocki, ruiz, ruppert, russell, ryan, sagebrush, sagrei, sahagun, salamander, salkiewicz, salvadora, samwel, samweli, san, sanchez, sandstone, santa, sauromalus, savage, scabrum, scaled, scaphiopus, sceloporus, scheib, schell, schoenherr, schubert, schuett, schulte, sciences, scoparia, scott, scripta, scutulatus, sea, searcy, semiannulata, seminoff, sequoia, serpentina, service, shaffer, sharp, shasta, shastae, shastensis, shedd, sheehan, sheehey, short, shovel, shumaker, siculus, side, sided, sidewinder, sierra, sierrae, sigillatum, sila, sillett, simatus, simeon, similis, simison, simpson, sinervo, sipedon, sirtalis, siskiyou, sites, skiltonianus, skilton's, skink, skinned, slater, slender, slevin, slider, small, smart, smith, smith's, snake, snapping, snell, softshell, solano, sonora, sonorae, sonoran, sonoriense, soto, south, southern, southwestern, spadefoot, spea, species, speckled, spenceley, sphenocephala, spickler, spinifera, spinks, spiny, spotila, spotted, st, stansburiana, starbird, starling, states, staub, stebbins, stebbinsi, steiner, stejnegeri, stephensi, steven, stewart, stitt, stocking, storer, storm, stormi, striped, stropoli, stumpel, sullivan, sunagar, sung, survey, suspectum, sweet, switak, switaki, switak's, symmetricus, taeniatus, tailed, tantilla, tapia, tarentola, taricha, taylor, taylori, teel, tehachapi, temblor, temminckii,, tenebrosus, tenuis, terrestrial, terrestris, tetrataenia, texas, thamnophis, the, thomas, thomason, thomson, thornton, thread, throated, tiger, tigris, tiwari, toad, tobler, toed, tokay, toothy, torosa, torre, torrent, tortoise, toure, trachemys, trachylepis, tracy, tree, treefrog, trenham, trent, trepanier, trimorphodon, trioceros, tropical, true, truei, tuday, turcicus, turner, turtle, two, u.s., uma, umbratica, undheim, uniformis, united, university, urosaurus, us, uta, utahensis, vagrans, valle, valley, valtierra, van, vandenburghii, vandenburgianus, vandergast, variegated, variegatus, vazquez, vertebrate, vertnet, vestigium, vieira, vigilis, virgultea, voss, vredenburg, wake, walder, walker, wall, wallace, wandering, watanabe, watersnake, watkins, wauer, weaver, web, webb, webbii, welsh, west, western, whipsnake, whiptail, white, wiggins', wigginsi, wilcox, wildlife, wilkins, willenbring, willhite, wilson, winkleman, wintu, wiseman, wislizenii, witzke, wolf, wood, woodhouse's, woodhousii, woodland, worrel, worrell, wright, xanthoptica, xantusia, xenopus, yanev, yarrow, yavapaiensis, yee, yellow, yosemite, yoshida, young, youngblood, zaxanthus, zebra, zonata, zoology, zweifel,

Price: 29.95 USD

Location: Anaheim, California

End Time: 2025-01-13T05:10:15.000Z

Shipping Cost: 3.99 USD

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New — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | BookNew — Amphibians and Reptiles of California | Scientific Text | Pub. 2021 | Book

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

Book Title: Amphibians and reptiles of California

Custom Bundle: No

Book Series: Fieldnotes

MPN: 978-1-7362699-0-9

Item Length: 8.5 in

Original Language: English

Vintage: No

Personalize: No

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Item Height: 11 in

Personalized: No

Features: Illustrated

Topic: Amphibians, Biology, Birdwatching, Books, Dinosaurs, Education, Environment, Environmental Issues, Environmental Protection, Hiking, Hunting, Monsters, Natural History, Nature, Photographers, Reptiles, Science, Small Animals, Teaching, Wildlife

Unit Quantity: 1

Item Width: 1 in

Signed: No

Ex Libris: No

Narrative Type: Nonfiction

Publisher: Fieldnotes Press

Intended Audience: Ages 9-12, Young Adults, Adults

Inscribed: No

Edition: First Edition, 1st Edition, 3rd printing 2023

Publication Year: 2021

Type: Field Guide / Text Book / Refrence

Era: 2020s

Illustrator: Flaxington, W.C.

Author: Flaxington

Genre: Adventure, Animals & Pets, Ecology, Environment, Nature & Earth, Historical, History, Life Sciences, Photography, Travel, Western, Zoology

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Item Weight: 2.4 lb

Number of Pages: 300


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