
Medicinal herb "Shy flower" Mimosa Pudica sensitive plant 50+seeds Free Shipping

Description: Medicinal herb "Shy flower" Mimosa Pudica sensitive plant 50+ seeds Free Shipping! indoor/outdoor Annual and Perennial Genus:MimosaSpecies:pudicaOrigin:Common Name:Sensitive PlantOther Name:Pre-treatment:Recommended but not required Seeds per lb.:76640Zone Cold:9Zone Warm:11Height:U.S. Native:NoGrowth Rate:MediumSpread:Plant Type:HerbaceousVegetation Type:EvergreenPurity Range:95-98%Germination Range:70-90%Shelf Life:2-6 years cold & dryStorage:Cold & Dry @ 34-41 Deg. FSowing Density:15-30 seedlings/ft2Plant Use:Nitrogen Fixing:NoLeaf Color:GreenFlower Color:ineffectiveComments:A hot water treatment mat be required to increase the speed and uniformity of germination. When you touch the leaves of this plant they close up tight ! Fun to watchGermination info:Seed does not require a pre-treatment. Powerful Gut ScrubberMimosa pudica seeds are mucilaginous, meaning they swell when they come into contact with a liquid and form a gel. If you’ve ever soaked chia seeds in water, you’ve seen this type of swelling in action. When you ingest Mimosa pudica seeds — such as in powdered form in capsules — a similar swelling happens in your digestive tract. The seeds become a sticky gel that can latch onto intestinal build-up, parasites, and harmful bacteria. This gooey mass of Mimosa pudica seeds, toxins, and critters travels through your gut and is excreted in your stools. Good riddance, right? The mucilage in Mimosa pudica seeds also adds bulk to your stools, which aids elimination. It’s a type of soluble fiber, meaning it’s soluble in water. That’s why it’s able to soak up water and form a gel. Your digestive tract lacks the enzymes necessary to break down mucilage and other types of fiber. Since it’s not digested, Mimosa pudica mucilage travels all the way through your gut, doing its cleansing work. Kills ParasitesYou've read about how Mimosa pudica seed grab parasites in your gut and carries them out in your stools. But, that’s not all it does to put these critters out of commission. In a test-tube study, scientists exposed a roundworm to extracts of Mimosa pudica seeds. The seed extracts caused the worms' paralysis and death. Studies suggest Mimosa pudica not only kills adult parasites, but it also can inactivate larvae (immature worms). When scientists incubated larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis (parasitic roundworms) with Mimosa pudica leaf extract, the parasites became lethargic and unable to move. What’s more, the critters were permanently inactivated. Within just one hour they could no longer cause infection or harm. This matched the effectiveness of the most potent drug tested in the study. In the same study, two other drugs commonly used to treat this parasitic infection took 3 to 5 days to inactivate the larvae. May Support Mental Health Mental health and mood disorders like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are on the rise. Depression alone afflicts 300 million people globally. If you’re like many people, you prefer an alternative to mental health drugs. They have unwanted side effects, and some carry the risk of physical dependence or even addiction. In functional medicine, it’s well-recognized that supporting your gut health is important for good mental health. Your gut produces neurotransmitters or nerve messengers, which help regulate your mood. In turn, something like Mimosa pudica seed that promotes gut health could support your mental health. For example, more than 90% of serotonin is made in your gut. Deficiency of this vital neurotransmitter is linked to: DepressionInsomniaNegative thoughtsAnxietyPanic attacksIrritability and low moodThe presence and abundance of certain beneficial bacteria may aid your gut’s production of serotonin.If your gut microbiome is out of balance due to antibiotic use, parasites, or other factors, your production of serotonin could be reduced. Focusing on parasite cleansing and gut repair with Mimosa pudica seed may help you get your gut health and mood back on track. Mimosa pudica plant extracts may also support mental health more directly. When rats were given an extract made from the plant’s leaves, its benefits were comparable to two common antidepressant drugs. Rich in AntioxidantsThe Mimosa pudica plant is high in antioxidants, which help stop the formation of damaging molecules called free radicals. Though the leaves contain the most antioxidants, some are also found in the plant’s stems and seeds. Mimosa pudica contains phytochemicals and vitamins with antioxidant properties. It also containssuperoxide dismutase. This is a powerful antioxidant also found in your body’s cells. However, its levels decline as you age. Scientists haven’t tested whether significant antioxidant absorption occurs from Mimosa pudicaseeds' mucilage. However, studies of other types of mucilaginous seeds suggest some of their antioxidants are absorbed in your gut. That's great news for parasite cleansing. Not only does Mimosa pudica seed bind toxins released by parasites as they die, but it might also help combat toxins via its antioxidant activity. May Help Regenerate the Sciatic Nerve Sciatic nerve pain can be downright devastating. It can take the get-up-and-go out of your active lifestyle in a hurry. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It originates in your spinal cord and continues down through your rear end, then branches and extends down each leg. So, sciatic nerve pain can radiate from your back and through your buttocks to your thigh and calf. Sometimes the pain goes all the way to your toes. Conventional remedies to relieve the discomfort are limited, and alternative solutions are welcome. In a groundbreaking study, rodents with sciatic nerve injury were given a Mimosa pudica extract every four days for three months. They had 40% better regeneration of their sciatic nerve compared to those given hydrocortisone, a steroid. (16) Though more research in this area is needed, Mimosa pudica extract may prove to be a viable therapy for sciatic nerve pain. May Prevent Liver DamageIf you have a complex chronic illness — such as Lyme disease and parasite infections — your liver and gallbladder may be inflamed and sluggish. Lyme bacteria can hide in your liver. Additionally, parasites, such as liver flukes, Ascaris lumbricoides, and other worms, can hide in your liver/bile duct system. These critters can clog up the system and create inflammation. (19, 20) If your liver is inflamed and damaged, it doesn’t work as well. This vital organ processes and expels toxins into the bile to be carried away in your stools. When this system is hindered, toxins pile up. When toxins build up, you don’t feel well. You may experience nausea, fatigue, itchy skin, or several other symptoms. Preliminary research suggests that Mimosa pudica may help protect the liver against damage, including when it’s overly burdened with toxins. For a month, rodents were given an extract from the plant’s leaves alongside a liver toxin. Nearly 90% of free radical damage to liver lipids (fats) was suppressed. The researchers attributed this benefit to the antioxidants in the extract. In another study, Mimosa pudica leaf extract helped prevent liver damage in rats when they were exposed to carbon tetrachloride — a dry-cleaning chemical and liver toxin. In fact, the extract worked as well as a standard liver-protective drug. 7. Kills Harmful MicrobesMicrobes are tiny organisms that you can’t see without a microscope. They include bacteria, viruses, and fungi (yeasts and molds). Your body is full of these little creatures — they make up your microbiome. Some of them are vital for your health and well-being. Others can harm you, especially if they outnumber the “good” microbes or disrupt the balance in your microbiome composition. (22, 23) Studies suggest Mimosa pudica may help protect against certain “bad” microbes that cause infection and illness. Test-tube studies have looked at the effectiveness of Mimosa pudica against: Bacteria: Mimosa pudica leaf extract prevented Escherichia coli and salmonella bacteria from multiplying. Mimosa pudica leaf and root extracts were also effective against Klebsiella pneumoniae, a common gut pathogen. Viruses: An extract prepared from the whole Mimosa pudica plant completely stopped the mumps virus from replicating.Fungi: Mimosa pudica leaf extract inhibited the activity of the yeast Candida albicans, though it wasn’t as effective as the antifungal drug fluconazole. Of course, such prescription drugs also can have unwanted side effects like stomach upset. Mimosa pudica’s antimicrobial activity is thought to be due to its rich stores of phytochemicals. These include flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and glycosides. Scientists’ interest in using plant-derived antimicrobials is growing. This is partly due to the increasing problem of drug-resistant pathogens. Additionally, antibiotics kill good as well as bad microbes indiscriminately. This can disrupt the health of your microbiome. (24) Wound Healing For centuries, Mimosa pudica has been used to stop bleeding and treat skin issues. For example, in traditional medicine people make a warmed paste from the plant’s roots and put it over wounds to stop bleeding and aid healing. It’s also traditional to make a warmed paste from the plant’s leaves and apply it around pus-filled, infected skin such as boils. It’s said to help break the boil and release the pus. This paste is also used to relieve itchy skin. Scientists are starting to confirm these skin healing properties in research. In one study, investigators tested a Mimosa pudica root extract in an ointment that they applied to cuts in rodents’ skin. To check how well it worked, they looked at the hydroxyproline content of the wound as it healed. You may have heard of hydroxyproline. It’s a component of collagen, which helps keep skin elastic and youthful-looking. It’s also important for healing skin wounds. Rodents' wounds treated with Mimosa pudica ointment were 2.5 times higher in hydroxyproline than in the control group. Scientists credited this impressive skin healing benefit to the phenols in the plant extract. The minerals in Mimosa pudica leaves also promote skin health. The leaves contain iron, zinc, manganese, and copper. These minerals are needed for skin health and immune health, including fighting skin infections. Has Antidiarrheal PropertiesDiarrhea not only is uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it also can dehydrate you. Typical anti-diarrheal medications like loperamide (Immodium A-D) slow your digestive system. This reduces the frequency of bowel movements. But, this could swing too far the other direction. A potential side effect of loperamide is constipation. Even worse, super-high doses of loperamide taken long term can cause serious heart rhythm problems and death. This was discovered when people were taking massive amounts of the drug to get a psychoactive high, as it has opioid-like effects in mega doses. Though that’s an extreme case, you’d likely prefer a more natural solution for diarrhea. Mimosa pudica has potential in this area. When rats with diarrhea were given a Mimosa pudica leaf extract, it reduced the frequency of diarrhea by more than three-fold compared to loperamide. This was likely due in part to tannins and flavonoids in the extract. These phytochemicals may reduce muscular contractions and secretions of the intestinal tract. This slows the progression of food through the gut to help prevent diarrhea. The anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, and antibacterial properties of Mimosa pudica also support gut health and normal stools. May Protect Against Ulcers Peptic ulcers are sores on your digestive tract lining. They result from acidic erosion of the gut’s protective mucous coating. Ulcers are typically located in your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. Less commonly, they may occur in the lower part of the esophagus, near your stomach. A major risk factor for peptic ulcers is infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. It can damage your digestive tract’s mucous coating. This weakens your gut’s defenses against acidic stomach secretions. (34) Research suggests Mimosa pudica leaf extract helps reduce stomach acidity and increases the secretion of protective factors in the gut. This may help prevent ulcers. When rats were given Mimosa pudica leaf extract, they had 67% fewer ulcers compared to the control group. Rats that were given the drug ranitidine (Zantac) to decrease stomach acid secretion had 49% fewer ulcers in comparison to the control group. In other words, Mimosa pudica extract outperformed a drug commonly prescribed to prevent and treat peptic ulcers. Scientists think part of the herb’s protective benefit comes from its quercetin content. This phytochemical may help stimulate the gut’s production of protective factors. (35) The Mimosa MultitaskerMimosa pudica packs remarkable healing potential in its seeds, roots, leaves, and stems. Traditional medicine practitioners have long utilized the plant for a range of health concerns, such as healing cuts and treating diarrhea. Scientists now confirm these and many other potential benefits in studies. Topping this list of benefits, Mimosa pudica seeds are a powerful weapon against parasites. They may help inactivate and sweep the critters out of your gut. That could be a game-changer in fighting complex chronic health issues. Native to the tropics of Central and South America, Mimosa pudica is a species of creeping herb or shrub that is commonly called the sensitive plant for its intriguing leaf movement when touched. Tiny hairs line the leaves of a sensitive plant. These hairs are highly responsive to touch, temperature, and motion, folding inwards when triggered. This response to stimulation is a part of the sensitive plant’s natural defense mechanism. Sensitive plants make great houseplants and are generally low-maintenance. They have delicate, fern-like leaves and light purple flowers that resemble small pom-poms. Young plants grow upwards,but over time develop more of a creeping habit. They have a very fast growth rate. How to Grow and Care for a Swiss Cheese PlantWhile it is most commonly grown indoors as a houseplant, Mimosa pudica can be grown outdoors in warmer areas but beware since the sensitive plant can naturalize easily, especially in tropical climates. It prefers a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Move this plant indoors when temperatures are much hotter or dip. Common NameSensitive plant, sleepy plant, action plant, touch-me-not plant, dormilones, zombie plant, shy lady, shy plantBotanical NameMimosa pudicaFamilyFabaceaePlant TypeCreeping herbaceous shrub, perennialMature Size18 in. tallSun ExposureFull, partialSoil TypeWell-draining, loamySoil pHAcidic to neutral (5.0-7.5)Bloom TimeSummerFlower ColorPurple, pinkHardiness Zones9–11, USANative AreaSouth America, Central AmericaToxicityToxic to people, toxic to pets Sensitive Plant CareSensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) is an easy-to-care-for flowering plant in the pea legume family Fabaceae. With plenty of light and lots of water, even an amateur houseplant hobbyist can enjoy the sensitive plant in their home. Its delicate foliage and the movement of its leaves are some of the most attractive qualities. Unlike the venus fly trap, the sensitive plant closes its leaves in self-defense; it is not carnivorous. Besides its visually alluring characteristics, the sensitive plant has practical uses as well. For example, it has excellent soil-purifying qualities and has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Botanists also continue to study the sensitive plant extensively to better understand plant habits. Several pests are common to sensitive plants. These include spider mites and mimosa webworms, both of which wrap the leaves of the sensitive plant in webs that hinder their responsive closing. Sensitive plants are also susceptible to other common houseplant pests such as mealybugs and thrips. Fortunately, sensitive plants are not especially prone to any diseases. WARNINGMimosa pudica is invasive in tropical climates. Use caution when planting outdoors as it can spread quickly and naturalize readily. mimosa pudica The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasovamimosa pudica leaves Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant) in bloom.LightSensitive plants are not shade-tolerant plants. They require at least eight hours of daylight and can tolerate full sun to partial shade. Place the plant directly in front or beside a bright sunny window. If the leaflets remain closed during the day, it indicates that the plant is not receiving enough light. SoilWell-draining, loamy soil is ideal for a sensitive plant; its roots cannot survive in severely compacted soil. Enhance the soil with peat moss to improve drainage. In its natural environment, the sensitive plant lives in soils that are low in nutrients. Therefore, it does not require overly rich soil or frequent soil top-ups to survive. WaterKeep the soil consistently moist for a sensitive plant but not waterlogged. The sensitive plant cannot handle wet feet and will develop root rot if left sitting in excess water. As a general rule, water a sensitive plant once the top of the soil begins to dry out. Temperature and HumidityDue to its light and temperature requirements, the sensitive plant is most often grown indoors as a houseplant. Average room temperatures of about 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit are perfect for a sensitive plant as it is not tolerant of extreme heat or chilly temperatures. It can be successfully grown outdoors in USDA zones 9 to 11, although it may spread aggressively and become weedy. The sensitive plant enjoys moderate to high humidity. Unless your house is particularly dry, the average household humidity should be sufficient for a sensitive plant. Otherwise, add a humidifier close by or place the sensitive plant pot on top of a tray of pebbles filled with water. FertilizerSensitive plants occur naturally in nutrient-poor soil, so fertilization is generally not required. However, if desired, you can give the plant an extra boost during the growing season by applying a high-potassium liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every few weeks. Always ensure that you water a sensitive plant before fertilizing it to avoid burning the delicate roots. PruningPrune a sensitive plant regularly to keep it full, bushy, and prevent it from becoming leggy.You can prune a sensitive plant any time of the year. Since Mimosa pudica is a creeping plant, trim off trailing stems or train them to climb a trellis to keep the plant looking nice. Propagating the Sensitive PlantPropagation is generally by seed or stem cuttings. First, cut a branch with one leaf node and plantit in peat moss and perlite planting medium. Place it in a warm, bright spot, cover it with clear plastic in one to four weeks. Similarly, plant a seed in the same conditions. The seed should germinatein one to four weeks. How to Grow Sensitive Plants From SeedPropagating sensitive plants by seed is the most reliable way to grow new plants. However, the seeds need a little encouragement to germinate. Nick the tough exterior of the seeds with a sharp knife to improve germination success. Afterward, place the seeds in a well-draining potting medium and moisten. Cover the seeds with a small amount of soil and place the pot in a bright, warm location. Mimosa pudica seeds take about a week to germinate. Potting and Repotting the Sensitive PlantSensitive plants grow fast and require multiple repottings if they outgrow their pot. When you notice the roots poking out of the drainage holes, it’s time to transplant the plant. It's natural to see leaves drooping after repotting; give it some time, the plant will bounce back. If, after blooming, the plant deteriorates to a point where it’s no longer salvageable, save the seeds, discard the plant, and plant it again. OverwinteringSensitive plants are considered perennial, but indoors, they deteriorate after blooming. Since they’re easily propagated from seed, save the pods, germinate them, and enjoy a new plant. However, if kept outdoors in colder temperatures, the plant will die back, enter dormancy, and usually returns in the spring.

Price: 2.29 USD

Location: Enterprise, Alabama

End Time: 2024-08-19T15:13:50.000Z

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Product Images

Medicinal herb "Shy flower" Mimosa Pudica sensitive plant 50+seeds Free ShippingMedicinal herb "Shy flower" Mimosa Pudica sensitive plant 50+seeds Free ShippingMedicinal herb "Shy flower" Mimosa Pudica sensitive plant 50+seeds Free Shipping

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Cultivating Difficulty: Very Easy

Type: medicinal herb

Features: Edible, Fast Growing, Flowering

Color: Purple

Genus: Mimosa

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor & Outdoor

Life Cycle: Perennial/Annual

Common Name: Shy Flower

Brand: Unbranded


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